Friday we went up to check on the house...Wow! What progress we have made!
We arrived before lunch to see that the framers had everything framed except the roof.The trusses arrived at 2:30 pm. By 8:30 pm they had trusses up and ready for decking the roof on Saturday. Monday the roofers will be there and the rest of the progress should slow a bit....but maybe not. It has been rather interesting and exciting to see the progress from where we were this time last year. June will be 1 year since we began this out of the box adventure. I must admit the thoughts of maintaining 2 homes is a bit overwhelming... and at the same time exciting to think of all the memories we will make with our friends and family. I am really looking forward to relaxing on the screen porch and watching my kiddos play in the water. Come July my family and I are retreating to the lake for much needed peace and quiet...HAHAHA!!! Look out Lake Secession...the Holcombes are moving in!!!!!