Thursday, June 2, 2011

Dear future daughter in-laws...

Where are you?!

No hurry...Your future husband's mother and 7 sisters are waiting patiently. You see, we are sister friendly around here!

Ever since the day our boys were born I have prayed for you. Telling our boys that God had one special young for them. You are a gift that was created special for your prince charming...blessing from the Lord. You are loved and we anticipate your arrival into our great big family. I pray that God will guard your heart. May your ears be tuned to His voice.That you will know the love of your maker who adores you more than anyone can. I pray that your eyes are fixed on your Saviour...knowing His peace in every moment of your day. As you prepare to take this journey in the next chapter of your life...may you be filled with joy in knowing that your blessing is just around the corner. That God had you in mind when your blessing was created.When you meet him and you become the love of his life... may you know how very special you are.

My dear daughters in-law I will embrace you as my own. I will love you no different than my own daughters. I look forward to meeting you and anticipate all the good things God has for our family as it continues to grow. So open your eyes, ears and heart....Let God speak, Let God lead, Let God's plan for your life become your ultimate focus. In His time we will meet!

Praying for you sweet daughter!
Your future Mother in-law