Friday, May 4, 2012

New friends!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks to Kelly's Korner I have new friends!  What a great idea she had. The best part was to encourage us to search the list for the blog friends in our own areas that had joined her link up.

As a busy mom of 9 my "free time" is few and far between. However, out of my desire to have some sort of record of the Holcombe craziness for my children to reminisce with someday...I try and blog when I can steal a few moments! As you could tell from last week in this post . Life is would had to have been there!  I do love being a mama. I do love being a wife! Blogging helps me to find that I 'm not alone in the journey of being a stay at home mom!  I look forward to hearing from any who dare begin to join us on our journey. I hope I can bring you a little laughter (laughter is good for the soul) and encouragement as you walk your own journey of life. Please feel free to ask any questions or offer advise. I too need encouragement!

Thank you Kelly for being a willing vessel in sharing your blog friends with us!

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