Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I will not talk I will not talk I will not talk....

You may be surprised about this because I was a shy kid for most of my adolescent years.Yes...I was one of those kids who had the lovely experience of writing a page full of sentences because of my lack of self control. Do kids have to do that anymore?The punishment that made your hands hurt like you had been shoveling dirt all day. Not that I have ever shoveled dirt all day. The repeat motion that was suppose to instill in your brain that talking was not a good thing and you shouldn't do it. Especially when the teacher was talking!

 Yesterday as I was working on a few orders from my Etsy Shop I had these lovely flashbacks from elementary school. It's amazing how the repeat motion of something does change your perspective of any situation. I hated writing sentences! As I painted all 64 utensil holders....Joy Joy Joy,Thankful Thankful Thankful, My whole mood changed! Did you know that keeping a gratitude list will make you 25% happier? When you're focused on the good things in life...How can you worry or feel afraid?

In this month of Thankfulness...really it should be year long....I am giving away a few things from our 7 Southern Sisters Shop. Head on over to our Facebook page and join the fun. Don't forget to"Like" our page. This week I'm giving away a set of Christmas Utensil holders. In fact I'm choosing 2 winners this week! That makes your chances even greater! Have fun and think of something to be thankful for today!

The best part... Today I will be reminded again, all 64 times, as I sew them together! Reminded to be thankful in ALL things and to take GREAT joy in ALL that I have and do! My goal today is to be HAPPY HAPPY  HAPPY !

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