Friday, August 9, 2013

First and last....A day of new beginnings

I guess I can now say....I was that mom crying after she dropped her baby off for her first day of first grade.
Today our youngest four left for three different schools. One who started her first day of her last year of high school. One started her first day of her last year of middle school. One who started her first day of middle school and first time in public school ever! Then there's our youngest of nine who started her first day of first grade. Me...I 'm a mess! A mess because today marks a first for me too! For the first time in 28 years I will have no babies and no little ones at home. The last couple of years has brought a lot to my plate.Way too much juggling.Change was a much needed road that I had to follow. For me and for them.

So...What do I do now? I'm not sure where to start. All I know is when God calls you to follow you don't ask questions. Just follow! The road isn't always easy....but worth it in the end. To trust that He has a plan.

 I read Ann Voskamp's post this morning ...I see now that I haven't been juggling! I have been going for broke!  In this time of brokenness, a time of rest waiting for the rain of peace to fall!

I would be lying if I didn't say, yes...I have had thoughts of failure. You know the drill...the could of would of should ofs!

Then I read this....
He knows me by name
 This was my favorite part....
So, even if this world and the accuser make you feel that your name is failure, never forget that the Almighty God of the universe calls you forgiven, blessed, redeemed, loved, and precious in His sight.

There is so much to be said about a life that is surrendered to the God who holds my life in His hands. Today as I walk down this unknown road of change I will hold my head high and know it was all for Him. I am His. He is mine. He is the god of new beginnings!

Now...where to begin?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Karen. You have done a remarkable job as a mom and wife. You can see it in our children. They reflect a mirror of love and grace. As I always tell Kath...I love you and God loves you. His love is unconditional...There is nothing you can do today to make Him love you anymore or (sometimes more importantly) any less. Rest in that. Have peace in that. Enjoy some time sitting at the feet of your Heavenly Father.