Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I am Thankful...Day 1 and 2

Today I had a Facebook challenge from my sister...Post one gratitude of thankfulness everyday now until Thanksgiving. The challenge is to remind us how blessed we are and how much we have to be thankful for. I have to admit I fail miserably at being thankful most days. A good reminder to help me to focus on the good and not the bad is just what I needed! We in America are spoiled! We live in a country where we can freely worship...vote and challenge others to be a better person! We search for more when what we really need is less! It's time to make this heart a thankful one!

Since it's after midnight here...I really should be asleep...Here is Day1 and Day 2...

Today...I am thankful for the privilege to vote.

Today...I will express that right!

Today...It's time to stand and be counted.

Today...No matter the outcome...I still serve a great and mighty God to whom I am thankful !

If your a U.S. citizen DON'T forget to vote! Your vote matters!