Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Praying for Olivia...Trusting in the Lord! has been the "fighting Ninja's" rollercoaster at Six flags. We have been describing this time as just a minin-train rollercoaster until today.

Olivia's numbers, all of them, took a good jump up. We went to Ultrasound and were headed to Catscan and the Surgeon vetoed. He did not want any dye or a liver biopsy done on this liver until we see more numbers tomorrow. They just are trying to baby this liver so it we will not loose it.
Wow, what a difference 24 hours can make. Yesterday they were sending us down to the 5th floor and today we can't keep the Docs out of our room. I know I am anxious because Olivia is so different today. She is moaning more than crying..she is awake but not talking just staying in the bed. Well, except for physical therapy and usual stuff they make her do.
Right now, I am exhausted. We have rode this rollercoaster today and still have to be on it until the morning. So all of your prayers are coveted right now. Trying to have a good attitude and trust. This morning when I wrote that scripture I had no idea what the day would bring but still in the light of the afternoon... I will "Trust in the Lord with All MY HEART.LEAN NOT TO MY OWN UNDERSTANDING and in ALL MY WAYS ACKNOWLEDGE HIM,,,and I know He will direct my path and the path of the Doctors and Olivia's path.
Love to you all

In His Grip


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